Friday, March 7, 2025

Welcome to Doujincore

Hi and welcome to Doujincore,

We are a new digital media company being built around the love of the doujin music scene, it’s culture and Japan as a whole. This is only the first post, we will be posting very soon about our goals, values and projects for the future as well as regular content regarding the doujin scene.
I will focus content on the EDM side of doujin music for now as the only writer at this time but I hope we can eventually build a community of contributors and writers who want to share their love and passion to expand the scope of content and news content to other genres and mediums.

As you’ll notice there is still a lot of placeholder content here, it will slowly get deleted as content rolls out in the coming weeks. You can already start following our social media and discord as we’ll also be informing the community of the advancements of the projects and new content.

Hope you enjoy your visit on our website


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